Why Use Aluminum-Free Deodorant

Antiperspirants work by clogging your pores, the microscopic holes in your skin through which sweat is expelled. Aluminum salts are among the various components included in anti-sweating treatments. Aluminum chlorohydrate is a kind of aluminum salt. When the salts are applied to the skin, they dissolve and “melt” into the pores. Your sweat will be less likely to evaporate if you use this to clog your pores. Dermatologists and doctors use prescription antiperspirants to treat disorders like hyperhidrosis, which causes excessive sweating. Antiperspirant with a more significant percentage of aluminum salts than regular antiperspirants is found in this product.…

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Reasons Why Organic Skincare Products Are Better

When it comes to the term ‘organic’, people mostly think according to the lines of their food. And it makes perfect sense since what you ingest will determine your lifestyle and most probably, your longevity. However, most people forget that our skin is a porous organ that also allows elements in and out of our bodies. That said, pause and consider the products that you applied to your body this morning. The perfume/cologne, makeup, deodorants, and the list goes on and on. Can you say that they are 100% pure and organic? Just the same way you take care of what you eat, you must take careful consideration of what you apply to your body. The skin is the largest organ on your body and deserves care and attention. Switching to organic skincare products is the answer. Only natural ingredients To give you a better understanding of this benefit. We have a small assignment for you. Take a bottle of non-organic skin care products and read the label. Is there any that you recognize? Is there any that is natural? Non-organic products contain synthetic chemicals such as mineral oils, petroleum, and Laureth sulfate that have been linked to hormone imbalance, skin irritation, and even worse cancer. Non-allergenic effects The cause of many reactions, allergies, and inflammations are chemicals and non-organic products. Though this is not to say that organic products do not cause allergies. Strawberries and peanuts are the most common allergy-inducing substances. For cosmetic users who have such allergies, they should choose their products with caution. Prevents premature aging Organic skincare options have been designed with bio-active nutrients. This means that they can readily be absorbed by the skin and slow down the effect of the sun on your skin. Next time you choose sunscreen, choose an organic-based one. Highly effective on your skin A fun fact that you should realize is that your skin is alive! To make your skin healthy and have that natural glow, you need to feed it with the right nutrients and…

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